So I was going to the office to pick up some referral forms (I'm a teacher) and there was that bowl...the bowl that I have allowed myself to divulge in several times before. But, today is I walked slowly past it and stared at it in the corner of my eye.  

That royal purple foil that wraps it oh-so tightly...the little tag that tells me what flavor it is dark chocolate. I think to myself "oh...I can have dark chocolate, it's good for me right?" But many times have you told yourself you would only take one small piece and later took ten? How many times have you said to yourself "I'll work it off later.." never to step foot in the gym or outdoors.  Not this time! This time I will practice will power! Take that you fine piece of chocolate you...stay in that bowl!

*Walks away never to look back...well at least once*

I guess I found my motivation to stay away from