Lost 85 lbs
Won $90
"Now, I wake up each morning actually excited to start the day."
About two years ago, I was 270 pounds and absolutely miserable. I had no energy and was depressed about it.
Being overweight wasn’t new. At just eight years old, I was on my first weight loss program. Then at 26, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I tried for 15 years to lose the weight and not let PCOS “win,” but I failed over and over. I went to Weight Watchers, was under doctor-supervised diets…everything!
At my heaviest, I was 290 pounds (and I’m only 5’3”!). I did manage to get down to 230 pounds from there, but could never get under that. For years, I lost and gained that 60 pounds. I was fed up. I needed help!
Eventually my Ob-Gyn suggested a surgery to help with the hormonal side effects of PCOS. I researched the surgery for about eight months, then decided to go ahead with it. I prepped for six months, seeing a nutritionist and changing everything about my lifestyle. I was told that if I didn’t change my diet and become active, the procedure wouldn’t be successful. I was so scared of failing. I had zero energy—how was I going to be active? It was the hardest and scariest thing I’ve ever done.
But sure enough, one week after surgery I had so much energy I didn’t know what to do! The hormones that were killing me were gone. So I stuck to my new low-carb, high-protein diet plan and started walking, then jogging for a few seconds on each walk, then a few more seconds, until one day I was just running! But I still needed extra support and a new challenge.
Then, I saw DietBet. Could I actually challenge myself to stick to this program and win a bet? I decided to find out. It was scary to get out there and weigh in and compete against others, but it was so much fun and such a positive experience! The positive feedback and engagement from players was so helpful, especially as I started running. I received great tips and everyone encouraged me to keep going. It was just what I needed to stay on track. My doctors are all very proud and happy that I’ve found something that keeps me focused!
Today, I run three or four times a week, and I run 5K’s! I’m not the fastest, but I don’t ever stop running until I cross that finish line, and it feels amazing every time. There are lots of other things I can do now that I couldn’t before, like go on amusement park rides with my kids, ride a bike, and wake up each morning actually excited to start the day and with the energy to keep up with myself.
My confidence has also changed a lot. Now, I can push myself out of my comfort zone and take chances. I’m not afraid to do anything—like putting my story out there for everyone to see. That’s scary. People judge you every day. But I’m proud of myself and all of my decisions and the hard work that has gotten me where I am today! And no one can take that away from me.