LGBT Dietbetters

108 members $33,200.09 won 991 lbs


07/03/2020 9:42AM
Hey fellow queers! Anybody still active here? Would love to have some motivation on the weightloss journey. Hope y'all had a brilliant Pride month, despite the fact that everything's cancelled!


02/11/2018 10:11AM
So anyone here also on FitBit? I'd love to start a challenge group there if anyone is up for it. I was competing with my co-workers but uh... it's not fair to them. 😅

Kaprese likes this comment.



02/06/2018 6:39PM
Hello fellow queers! How is everyone doing with their dietbets? I am joining two tomorrow. WISH ME LUCK! EEP!

Alvaro likes this comment.


Today was the first day of my transformer challenge! Good luck on your bets!!


I'm kicking mines' butts so far!


02/06/2018 4:18PM
Hey all! I was happy to find this group, but it seems largely inactive? Anyone there? Hello?

Alvaro and DiamondFemme like this comment.

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That's what I'm hoping for! It looks like people have joined in the last few weeks.. hopefully they come out of hiding to share lol

Maria S.

This is what I'm thinking over a year later :(


05/29/2017 9:20AM
Hey y'all. I was hoping there might be an LGBTQIA group here. I'm brand new to dietbet and looking for connections, support, and inspiration. Just saying hello!

DiamondFemme likes this comment.

Jackson Setkheni



Good morning! I am also new to Dietbet and this is the first group I joined. I am looking for strong connections to share my journey with.

Ali-Biggest Loser

07/06/2016 5:56PM
Hey did you know that I'm hosting a DietBet that starts tomorrow? Well, I am and want you to join me!!! Let's not second guess our looks next year at PRIDE because we feel chubby and sluggish. We ALL deserve to feel our best! Let's get there together!!!! Join me


02/15/2016 3:21PM
Super excited to start my first diet bet. Im new to this so any tips are gladly accepted :D


01/23/2016 2:24PM
Hey everyone -- hope you're all doing fabulous today! I am staying focused on getting lean in '16 -- it's blizzarding in my neck of the woods but I'm ready to go with chicken breasts, spinach, apples, and water to keep my body properly nutrient-filled through this storm! I hope everyone wins their bets!

Patty likes this comment.


01/19/2016 8:23PM
I popped up here awhile back, then disappeared. Now I'm back again. :) Determined to lose some of my excess weight, as it's making it harder for me to do some of the things I want to be able to do.

Ali-Biggest Loser

01/12/2016 2:30PM
I hope everyone is plugging along with their weight loss goals. As we all know weight is easier put on than taken off. But what we also know is that we absolutely can do anything we put our minds to! I want to INVITE everyone to join my DietBet starting Jan. 18th, that's next Monday! I know many are already doing a DietBet or 2 so why not use that momentum to maximize your efforts and join my DietBet too! Weight loss is so much more than just calories in and calories out so this year in my DietBets we are going to focus on all the ways our weight effects us so that we can pinpoint and let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors! I hope to see in the Bet, here's the link to sign up