This is a summary of a conversation I had with my husband last night.  He told me there is no low hanging fruit but I should keep up the good work.


Honestly I was feeling a little jealous of the rapid weight loss some people are reporting because they have quit soda, fast food, or have started drinking water.  I realized after 6 months months at this, I don't have any obvious tweaks I can make to get 8lbs off fast.  I quit fast food years ago because my palette changed and it just made me feel sick.  I kicked my Coca-Cola habit years ago too.  I've been drinking lots of water and exercising 5x a week, usually 2x a day, since March.  I eat 4-5 meals and stay in my calorie range.  I allow myself the occasional treat or date night. I have averaged 1lb a week weight loss but have big weeks and plateau weeks. I limit dairy because it makes me feel sick.  My new goal is the limit processed food and try to eat clean, as much as my family will tolerate.

I'm happy for new dieters that are having that early success because I remember how motivating that is. Changing your lifestyle takes time to become habit.  Keep up the good work because your body will thank you later.

 I guess my question is for you long time dieters that have been doing this for awhile.  Do you follow the same plan and rules or have you needed to tweak things to continue to see losses at the scale?  

I did find a positive side last night.  If I hadn't quit the bad foods years ago, I would have had a lot more weight to lose in 2014.  I managed to maintain my weight with a sedentary lifestyle and an extremely stressful job.  My tummy troubles decreased.  My food bills went down.  


Drinking another glass of water....