Shannon L.

To be healthy

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Brussels sprouts

Favorite Sinful Food: Ice cream cake

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Weight lifting

My Approach to Weight Loss: Live a healthy lifestyle every day

DietBet Winnings: $384.55

Recent Photos

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
0% Since last weigh-in
-3.5% 1-Month Change
-13.4% Lifetime Change

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06/03/2024 5:03AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
  • Hello everyone! For those of you who may not know me - my name is Lexi (aka fatgirlfedup). I joined my first dietbet in 2016 and it helped me to stay accountable and lose 312lbs naturally in 2 years. I didn't have a meal plan, surgery, or a trainer. I took the foods I loved and made healthier versions, and started working out 5x a week for 30 mins. I used myfitnesspal to track calories and dietbet to learn from others, which is why I now host! Dietbet helped me change my life and now I want to help you change yours! A few things to start our game:
    - Welcome! First timer or not we are so glad to have you here! Together we have lost over 39,000lbs this year and counting!!! In the process we have also become a family, positive community, and a weight loss force!
    - WATER is your bestfriend and will help boost metabolism, flush out water weight, keep you full and help so much with weight loss! Make sure you drink atleast a gallon a day!
    - PICTURES! Take them all because you will WANT them I promise! Plus we cant wait to see your progress!
    - MOVE! We all start somewhere. Even walking can be beneficial for weight loss! Start small because it all will add up to big results!
    - TRACK! As mentioned I used myfitnesspal and it really helped me. Keeping a food log can help you stay accountable and help you learn about nutrition.
    - Be sure to tag #fatgirlfedupsdietbet on all social media so we can find eachother and be friends! We will also have others joining us for 14 days!
    - Any weigh in problems email and they can help!

    Remember that you are worth more than a number and already a winner by choosing to be here! Let's do this!! <3

Natalie D. , amanda d. and like this photo.

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Jen P.

How often do you submit an official weigh-in? I have an alert it is time for the progress weigh-in. And what is an unofficial weigh-in?

Shannon L.

@Jen, progress weigh-ins are for members to enter the weekly drawing. You can add your weight as an unofficial weigh-in as often as you want. You onku have to weigh officially at the end of the game. That date is at this top of this thread (by 48 hours of the close of the game).


06/15/2024 10:57AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
Stepped on the scale this morning after a busy, hectic, didn't eat great some days week, and the scale read 5 lbs down since I started! 💪 So motivating that even small diet changes and drinking more water will help move the scale.

Jessica L. , ZiggityPopping and like this comment.

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Shannon L.

Love it!

Karen K.

That is awesome !

Kimberly S.

06/15/2024 7:33AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
15 days left!! 58% complete…. What percent is everyone at!?

Jessica L. , Christina M. and like this comment.

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Courtney C.

31% going to buckle down, in the last two weeks!!

Jessica L.

94% today

Rachel P.

06/15/2024 5:20AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
No weight change for 9 days. I’m still 52% of the way to my goal, but this is what ALWAYS happens to me on diet bets. I lose 50% and that’s where it stops. Determined to get to my goal this time but will admit I feel really down about it today.
Daily weigh in, done. Fasting complete- though I’m starting to think IF may not be the magic bullet it’s made out to be. I said I would give this new OMO app one month and if I get below 150 again I will keep it. We shall see. Results are needed!

chelleB , Maria and like this comment.

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Shannon L.

Stress can make your body hold on to fat, and it sounds like youre pretty stressed about teying to lose the weight.

Depriving your body of sufficient calories can make your body think it's starving and hold on to fat.

An egg fast might be the thing you need. Or a cleanse. Both have worked for me.

Believe in yourself!

Shannon L.

IF isn't a magic bullet, nor is any app. The magic is in you.
Shannon L. accepted the challenge.
06/14/2024 9:37AM in Body Meltdown Transformer - Win an Outdoor Grill!
The pot in Round 1 is now $2,940

Laurie K. and Shannon L. like this accomplishment.

Kate H.

06/14/2024 7:52AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
I got food poisoning last night, so my routine of morning workout and healthy breakfast got thrown out.. one of my biggest obstacles is getting back on track after a disruption (like getting sick). Please send me suggestions for not getting derailed when things don’t go as planned. Happy weekend!!

chelleB , Maria and like this comment.

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Laurie A.

Shannon nailed it! First just LOVE you and where you are. You are not stationary in your journey. There is just a need of 1% better each day. Tell yourself how awesome you are! I AM affirmations day and night in a journal.
Your vulnerability is strength. You GOT THIS!
Positive vibes sent your way. ✨️ ✨️

Gretchen D.

I’m amazed the food poisoning didn’t kick start a loss


06/14/2024 7:30AM in Fatgirlfedup's Summer Startup Dietbet
  • Post gym breakfast! As someone who usually does just a high protein breakfast, I never imagined I'd like having vegetables with my meal in the morning, but it's been helping me stay full longer, create a high volume meal to start my day + you never regret eating more vegetables! It's an interesting combo but I've been having eggs, center cut bacon, salsa, light sour cream & seared brussel sprouts for awhile now. Sometimes I'll also use egg whites or broccoli. It sounds different, but it's good! What's your go to breakfast?

chelleB , Tifini K. and like this photo.

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Amanda M.

You are SO right about the veggies!! My favorite breakfast is a southwest style tofu scramble with lots of veggies plus leafy greens like kale and spinach, Avocado, salsa, roasted potatoes and a side of fresh fruit....omg you inspired me to have a beautiful breakfast! Thank you!

Rhonda L.

I avoid dairy since it is so inflammatory for me. 2 eggs scrambled or omelet with roasted green chiles, onion, a couple of cherry tomatoes, salsa and crispy turkey bacon. Iced coffee with almond milk. It keeps me satisfied and I don’t feel cheated. Breakfast is my favorite meal and I love lots of carbs so this is a shift for me. I try to get 8 to 12 veggies in a day. My goal. Don’t always get there


06/14/2024 6:51AM in Stick To It Transformer - Win an Indoor Bike
  • Lets coffee with keto bread , fried eggs and chilli sauce.

Shannon L. and Christine J like this photo.

Shannon L.

Yum! Do you make the bread or buy it? I would love a good recipe for keto bread.


06/14/2024 6:05AM in $500 in BONUS PRIZES! MAY 15th GAME!
Your game has now been finalized. Congratulations to the winners! You bet on yourself to get healthier, and you won.

The $101.25 in winnings will be deposited as points into your account. You can request a payout, or use them to become a Member or join a new game ! Payouts process within 24 hours. As promised, here are the top player titles. Drum roll, please…
- Most Liked Player: Shannon L.
- Most Generous Liker: Shannon L.
- Most Liked Comment: "How is everyone’s challenge going? In the USA at least we are having a long holiday weekend known for grill outs and potlucks, and here in Wisconsin lots of beer and brats. What are everyone’s tips and tricks for navigating endless cookouts and parties with all the yummy food?" by Swyn

Swyn and Shannon L. like this comment.


We all must have done pretty well if the profit on the original bet is just $1.25! Good work everyone!

Shannon L.

64 winners out of 81 participants. After diet bets 25% cut, we would get back about $94.75, so they sacrificed part of their cut. But 25% of $35 seems more reasonable than 25% of $100. They're making a boatload on us! I'll stick to the cheaper bets in future!


06/13/2024 7:38PM in Body Meltdown Transformer - Win an Outdoor Grill!
  • Started VShred again after over two years of stopping. Postpartum weight gain and body pains got me humbled quick.😅 I miss 2021 me! (Pictured)

Megan S. , Laurie K. , Mandydandy90 and Shannon L. like this photo.

Shannon L.

You can get there again!
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