About Julie Lama: "Welcome. I started Fitness Warriors over 3 yrs ago. I share this group with other helpful and motivational members. We are an uplifting community with incredible heart and drive. Promoting fitness, health, and kindness. Ongoing games and support."
Julie Lama
Master Coach level
$56,345 bets placed
39.22% win rate
4,306 players recruited
110 games organized
22,455.6 lbs lost

Active Games

Fitness Warriors
Fitness Warriors
$10 Bet
10 Players
Game 125?
View GameGame Closed
$100in the pot

Previous Games

Fitness Warriors
$10 Bet
19 Players
$190 Pot
Fitness Warriors 124
$10 Bet
16 Players
$160 Pot
Fitness Warriors 123
$10 Bet
10 Players
$100 Pot
Fitness Warriors 122
$10 Bet
16 Players
$160 Pot
Fitness Warriors 121
$10 Bet
12 Players
$120 Pot
Fitness Warriors 10 yr Anniversary
$10 Bet
15 Players
$150 Pot
Fitness Warriors 119
$10 Bet
21 Players
$210 Pot
Fitness Warriors 118
$10 Bet
7 Players
$70 Pot
Fitness Warriors 117
$10 Bet
9 Players
$90 Pot

Join the DietBet Coaches Club

Are you looking for ways to extend your health & wellness brand while earning extra income? Then you're a perfect fit for the DietBet Coaches Club.
Our fun and interactive weight loss competition can deepen your relationship with followers, clients, and fans, all while building your clout as a health & wellness expert. All you need to do is host regular games of a certain size to qualify. Learn more