About Beth: "Hey! I'm Beth - a 28 year old foodie living and working in Washington, DC. I've lost almost 90 pounds through Weight Watchers and am now a leader for them! I love food, running and wine and am working my way through finding a balance of it all!"
Master Coach level
$31,575 bets placed
49.47% win rate
1,219 players recruited
7 games organized
7,475.8 lbs lost

Previous Games

Beth's Journey 2015 DietBet
$35 Bet
18 Players
$700 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet
$25 Bet
141 Players
$3,650 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet: Take 5
$25 Bet
80 Players
$2,075 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet: Take 4
$25 Bet
112 Players
$3,100 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet: Take 3
$25 Bet
213 Players
$5,425 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet: Take 2
$25 Bet
250 Players
$6,500 Pot
Beth's Journey DietBet
$25 Bet
405 Players
$10,125 Pot

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Are you looking for ways to extend your health & wellness brand while earning extra income? Then you're a perfect fit for the DietBet Coaches Club.
Our fun and interactive weight loss competition can deepen your relationship with followers, clients, and fans, all while building your clout as a health & wellness expert. All you need to do is host regular games of a certain size to qualify. Learn more