About LifeAsMadelyn: "I have lost 132lbs through joining DietBets, following Weight Watchers and exercising, my whole journey is documented on my Instagram (@ww_chefmaddie) and I would love to help motivate you to meet your goals!"
LifeAsMadelynVisit My Website
Master Coach level
$382,765 bets placed
58.92% win rate
3,846 players recruited
14 games organized
34,864.3 lbs lost

Previous Games

Fresh & Fit February with Madelyn
$35 Bet
45 Players
$1,575 Pot
reSOLUTIONs Reset — Win $5,000 in Prizes!
$35 Bet
1,592 Players
$270,620 Pot
Choose to Lose with Life as Madelyn!
$35 Bet
69 Players
$2,415 Pot
Thankful and Thriving with Madelyn!
$35 Bet
107 Players
$3,745 Pot
Fall Fitness with Madelyn
$30 Bet
478 Players
$14,340 Pot
Summer Sweat with Madelyn
$35 Bet
261 Players
$9,135 Pot
Wear White with Chef Maddie
$35 Bet
325 Players
$11,375 Pot
Why Wait? DietBet with Chef Maddie
$35 Bet
490 Players
$17,150 Pot
Healthy Holidays with Maddie and Natalie!
$35 Bet
195 Players
$6,825 Pot

Join the DietBet Coaches Club

Are you looking for ways to extend your health & wellness brand while earning extra income? Then you're a perfect fit for the DietBet Coaches Club.
Our fun and interactive weight loss competition can deepen your relationship with followers, clients, and fans, all while building your clout as a health & wellness expert. All you need to do is host regular games of a certain size to qualify. Learn more