Working Moms

5 members $384.17 won 0.5 lbs


04/23/2018 8:26AM
Hi All! Please feel free to introduce yourself and tell everyone what is your "why" for joining DietBet.


I'm Melissa. I'm a mother of two (a 2 year old and a 4 year old) and an Assistant Principal. I have a hard time finding time to work out and I know I rely too heavily on restaurants for food. I want to eat better so I can feel better (have less back pain, feel more awake, and have more energy for my kids) and look better so I can be more excited about being in pictures with my children!


Hey Melissa welcome! I totally understand, I have two girls myself, some days after work, I rather sit in front of my tv or keep working once the kids go to sleep. Lately, I've been forcing myself to workout once I put them to bed. I do a quick Piyo tape and then take a warm bath. It helps with my sleep and it makes me feel better. I've been following the 21 day fix, I'm HORRID at calorie counting and honestly don't have time. Which dietbet are you doing?