Breathe Move Relax

6 members $4,254.65 won 61.7 lbs

Kimberley P.

05/16/2015 7:07PM
just got home from a run and beach stretch... was challenging today as left feeling a bit sore, d-menstrual and a wee bit tired... however returned home feeling energised, more focused and ready to hit the books for my 2 exams tomorrow..... but first a yummy plate of left over pasta...yummmmmmm....

Kimberley P.

05/13/2015 7:59PM
Is contemplating a run, while feeling a bit crook and still in my pyjamas studying... need to shake things up and shift my energy... how are you doing?

Isabella H.

Decided to meditate around 11:30am, ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up until 4:00pm, so no exercise today. Oh well, at least I didn't eat too much.