Stay Accountable

33 members $4,186.87 won 158.5 lbs


01/02/2016 6:35PM
Check in time!!!! Please share with the others how you are doing towards achieving your goals.
I've managed to track my calories for 2 days straight using MyFitnessPal (yay!), but am struggling to find the motivation to exercise today.

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Mary lynn

I have been so bad for so long. I am starting slow. I did walk 20 min 3 times yesterday for a total of an hour and got over 10,000 steps in for the day. Also 50 kettle bell swings. I wrote down all I ate and drank 8 glasses of water. For me this is a great step! Now to just do it every day for the next few monthes.


Barbara - great attitude! CrossFit is a challenge, for sure! Hope your warm up goes/went well!

Mary lynn-I like how you broke up the exercise across the day. I'm trying to do HIIT workouts, but seem to max out around 15 minutes. I'll try breaking it up across the day.