Central Texas

19 members $4,943.91 won 89.9 lbs


10/28/2014 5:23PM
Whew! My final weigh-in for one of my DietBet games was due today and yesterday. But I got really, really sick from my jogging on Sunday, and it caused my weight to skyrocket. So I've been terrified that my weight wouldn't return to where it needed to be in time for me to weigh-in and that I would lose this DietBet because I had completed my best race ever (a full 10 miles with a great pace!) on Sunday.

But I was good, super super good, today and yesterday with my food. I let my body rest yesterday so it could recover, and I took an easy jog for 4 miles tonight. When I weighed myself, I beat my necessary amount for the DietBet by 0.5 pounds! Yay! Weigh-in complete. BAM.