Insanity Max:30

2 members $276.18 won


09/11/2017 12:16PM
It's time to start our next DietBet Challenge and this one is called Weapons of A$$ Reduction!!! Great name right?!?! Who is joining in??? I need everyone!! Ok at least 44 more people! Help me achieve my goal of coaching while I help you achieve your goal of kickstarting your weight loss journey!
Money and prizes for losing 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks as well as replying to my virtual challenges I post! Guaranteed $20 if you lose your 4%
It's this easy:
300lbs=Lose 12lbs
275lbs=Lose 11lbs
250lbs=Lose 10lbs
225lbs=Lose 9lbs
200lbs=Lose 8lbs
175lbs=Lose 7lbs
150lbs=Lose 6lbs