Fibromylagia fighters unite!

3 members $108.92 won 26.6 lbs

Debbie M.

10/17/2017 9:31AM
The weather is getting cold and I'm in a terrible flare. I just started taking Fibroxia. I'm hopeful. Trying to get to the gym but my body is telling me not to.


10/10/2017 8:39PM
Hi everyone I am Nicole, 26 and been diagnosed with fibro and chronic migraines. I found out about fibro after birth of daughter and working out seemed impossible


08/30/2017 1:18PM
Hi all- I am new to DietBet and am faced with pre-diabetes in addition to Fibromyalgia. I have no desire to poke myself with needles on the regular so here I go! I can do this. I had surgery this spring (#7 total) and one last fall. I put on some weight and it is time to get real. Join me!