50 Pound Monkeys

868 members $266,150.35 won 5,169 lbs

Shannon S.

02/08/2018 5:06PM
A part of me is afraid to lose the weight that I'll have loose skin. Anyone else?


Hi Shannon, YES I am living in that reality, as I let myself go to 308 pounds and started this recovery journey in 1/1/2017 (with/out DIETBET) just eating low carb and lost 50 pounds. No exercise, so this year, I saw #FATGIRLFEDUP story about how she lost over 200 pounds (26 yrs old) and said I can do this. I completed my first DIETBET 1/6 and won my 4% goal AND started walking every day.
My reality is I'm trading years of bad habits/FAT for years of good habits with the possibility of FLAB. But I'm OK with me most of the time. Right now, it's my arms that bother me the most. But I did it to myself..... and I am gaining back my life and feeling good about ME!!! I know at 62 yrs old, I might not have the elesticity that I would have had 20 years ago. But I am working at Zumba, using u-tube and using some small hand weights.
Let's face this fear together!!!

Mom of 8

If all I have is loose skin after losing this monkey, I'll take it :) I bet it shrinks as long as I am building muscle mass