Bowyer Sisters!

4 members $4,061.29 won -22.9 lbs

Roselanni V.

11/04/2014 7:39PM
I WON!!!!! I am gunna eat sooooo much pulled pork!

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Taralee C.

a food nazi..ha ha. yeah, i think we should do that one on the 17th then. Since I have been letting myself eat more halloween candy it's sucks now because all my cravings are back. And now when i walk past the storage cupboard in the basement where we hid the candy i'll immediately want one even if that's not what i was thinking about 2 seconds before. And even just thinking about the stinking baby chocolate bars and my mouth totally starts watering. its ridiculous. And crappy. So i guess what i'm saying is, that have some fun indulging a little, but be careful because once the flood gate is opened a crack, it has a tendency to burst wide open. and it would be a darn shame to lose your progress.

Taralee C.

oh, and you should make a little lilyslim weight loss tracker for the sidebar on our blog! 12 pounds is awesome. good job!