Bowyer Sisters!

4 members $4,061.29 won -22.9 lbs


11/06/2014 11:04AM
So I started the transformer and you are supposed to lose 3% in the first 28 days, which is almost 4%, so maybe I'll do another dietbet4. Are you guys signing up for another one? Which one?
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Taralee C.

slingshot week? what's that? that's ok...I'm doing two diet bets right now and part of me is glad because it really does keep me accountable...but the other part of me is kicking mysef because I really want to eat tasty food. And we just started potty training scarlett which is stressful.


The slingshot week has to do with carb cycling. Seriously, you need to read that book.


11/05/2014 1:41PM
Whew.....that was so close. I have been stepping on and off the scale all day because I was within ounces again. Trying on different pants, drinking a lot of water so I'd need to pee... but I got it. And it was verified so fast! Within 30 seconds. I've never had it that fast before. I'm starting the transformer today. 10% in 6 months is more doable... Now that's I've lost 30 lbs I'm not as confident I can keep the same rate of weight loss going. But maybe I need to just need to buckle down and follow the program exactly. Either way, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming I'd like to be able to relax slightly.

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Taralee C.

Hooray! glad to hear you made it. I';ve been wondering.

Roselanni V.

11/04/2014 7:39PM
I WON!!!!! I am gunna eat sooooo much pulled pork!

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Taralee C.

a food nazi..ha ha. yeah, i think we should do that one on the 17th then. Since I have been letting myself eat more halloween candy it's sucks now because all my cravings are back. And now when i walk past the storage cupboard in the basement where we hid the candy i'll immediately want one even if that's not what i was thinking about 2 seconds before. And even just thinking about the stinking baby chocolate bars and my mouth totally starts watering. its ridiculous. And crappy. So i guess what i'm saying is, that have some fun indulging a little, but be careful because once the flood gate is opened a crack, it has a tendency to burst wide open. and it would be a darn shame to lose your progress.

Taralee C.

oh, and you should make a little lilyslim weight loss tracker for the sidebar on our blog! 12 pounds is awesome. good job!

Taralee C.

11/04/2014 9:09AM
  • Phew! I made it!

Adrianna and Loraleigh like this photo.

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i was at 179, but then i've bumped up since halloween... :S only to 181, but i need it to be 180.5... i'll be checking again tomorrow morning to make the cut

Roselanni V.

you can do it!!!

Roselanni V.

10/30/2014 2:06PM
Hows everyone doing?? We're reaching the end of the Jillian Michaels bet! Its been so hard...and there have been many times when I have been hangry. I haven't eaten ichiban in over a month...which is like my faaaaaaavorite. But now I'm only 1 pound away to win the bet! And there's still 5 days left! Woohoo! I'm hoping to lose that last pound, and then some, to give me a good buffer zone for the weigh out period.

Taralee C.

can't wait to hear your results!


10/28/2014 8:58AM
Whew, that was close again. Fortunately after a week of self-sabotage a weekend of lots of water, avoiding salt, and really sticking to it paid off. I weighed in within an ounce of what I was supposed to. I wasn't sure I was going to make it.

Adrianna, Taralee C. and Roselanni V. like this comment.

Taralee C.

10/27/2014 1:37PM
so on the side here it says the total winnings are $184, is that all Loraleigh winning her dietbets? does that include the money you paid to enter them and your winning? or just your winning?

Taralee C.

nevermind, i see that it is both the $ you paid up front and the extra you get for winning combined.


Yeah, I wish they would just show what you actually won and not what you put in. I'm finally betting on just winnings now after several games.

Taralee C.

10/23/2014 2:16PM
well i've lost 7.2 lbs so far...which is great except that i need to lose another 1.7 lbs in the next 2 days to win my diet bet...which i'm not expecting will happen since i don't have anytime for exersizing.

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Taralee C.

ha ha...funny. Well I'm glad that we have that blog together.


me too. it's a nice place to post about things.

Roselanni V.

10/23/2014 11:07AM
I accidentally did a 45 minute zumba session last night...only meant to click on the 20 minute one, whoops...every time it kept going "next song" I was like "youve gotta be freaking kidding me!!!" haha but I pushed through it regardless!
My technique is above 80%now on the game and I burned over 800 calories! Yes!
Im down 6.6 pounds you guys! :D I did a little math and figured out that if I keep this weight losing pace Im at I could be down like 40 pounds by christmas. I dont know if I have that kind of dedication, but its nice to have already lost so much. I hope you are all doing well and continuing to lose weight and eat well!

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p.s. you should do a blog post too about it, cause it's worth putting down on the official blog!

Taralee C.

that is awesome! Keep it up! The exersizing gets easier the more you do, and the more weight you lose!

Taralee C.

10/22/2014 8:06AM
what? you've all been posting on here?

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Taralee C.

somehow i missed all this activity the past few weeks.


it's kinda like blogger, that doesn't send notifications when someone posts, but send notifications when someone replies/comments.