I've done an insane number of games and I haven't been very successful. But the reality is that I've been throwning money at a problem and hoping things would sort themselves out....with minimal effort.

Shocking that this doesn't work, eh? I've done some thinking about the choices I've been making lately and realized that I need to make some changes.

When I became vegetarian, I lost about 30 lbs without trying. Then I also gave up dairy (and limited eggs) and while the weight didn't slide off, I felt so much better without dairy. I had fewer migraines, better skin, and better moods.

So, I need to give it up. On dairy I eat mostly junk. If you can put cheese on it or it has chocolate in it, that made it a meal. No wonder my weight has found me again.

Today we went grocery shopping and I made better choices in the store, which will lead to better choices for food intake.

I am going to start by giving up cheese and chocolate. If an item has a bit of dairy in it (like bread or something inaucuous) I won't make a big deal of it at this point. Baby steps.