That's how I start my day.

I've found that one of my hold ups with any healthy stint I get on is that I simply don't drink enough water every day. Once I get into a rhythm with it and ensure I'm getting enough every day, my skin feels better and even my eyes seems to function better (I think because they aren't as dry).

What works for me is to carry at least 64 ounces with me when I leave home in the morning. I used to carry Nalgenes, but then the water would either get warm or it would sweat all over the place if I used enough ice. So I splurged and picked up two 40 ounce insulated bottles (mine are HydroFlasks). They keep my water cold a remarkably long time! I also picked up a straw top to switch between them as I finish each bottle. It makes it easy for me to drink my water on the go and even when I'm standing at my desk at work without needing to pick up my bottle.

I'll admit that I fell off the bandwagon with my water in the last few weeks and I've paid for it. But I'm getting back into the habit now that my busy season at my jobs is over and I started this round of DietBets.

What do you do to remember your water every day?