I thought a lot about what I put in my body today. Focusing on drinking water and what I was going to eat for lunch. For me, being mindful is very important. I need to make sure I'm making the right decisions. It feels good to look at what I put in my body at the end of the day and say I was conscious about it. But I did mess up. A coworker brought goodies from her new years eve party, and I just couldn't resist a piece of the monkey bread and a German chocolate brownie. I did hold out for a bit, but then my willpower broke down. 

I've read that willpower is like a muscle. Have to use it to make it stronger, but you also don't want to overuse it. It can get exhausted and become in-effective, just like any other part of the body. So interesting! I am going to practice willpower tomorrow, bringing a healthy substitute to work tomorrow to satisfy my sweet tooth rather than those dang brownies.
