It's never easy starting a new diet/exercise plan.  For those of us who know this is true, we didn't really start this today, even though today marks the beginning.  We started this new diet/exercise plan, days, weeks or months ago when we decided in our minds or our mirrors, that something needed to be done.  Today is just the day we put that thought into action.  I'm ready!  Really Ready!  Are you?  

What will you do...did you do, today, that is different than all the other days previous?  What will keep you going?  Let's do this thing!  Once and for all!  

I did the P90X Plyometrics (the mother of all workouts!).  According to my Armour 39 I burned 560 calories.  I also decided that I was going to lift a few weights for upper body strength training every day.  Today was biceps and triceps.  I'll keep a detailed log of those exercises to keep myself accountable.  Hopefully, in my weigh out photo, I'll be able to tell the difference.