So we've made it this far, Friday!  But the week's not over yet, and week one's weigh-in is just around the corner. Oh, that dreaded weekend when we have people over for some kind of celebration, or someone else invits us to their home for the game.  (Go Royals!) There will be snacks, there will be drinks, and you know they'll be desserts...stuff we've been trying to stay away from all week.  But, how do you deal with it?  

Here's my plan.  I work out first thing in the morning.  I wear an Armour 39 heart rate monitor that is programmed to track my exercise.  There's also a motivation factor that I can include to see if I live up to my own expectations.  And when I'm having an icky day, it doesn't lie to me the way I can often lie to myself.  It teaches me to get in the kick my own butt, as it were, since no else can or will do that for me.  

I'm not going to hide my diet, my success for the week, or my long term goals.  I'm going to flaunt them.  I'm going to go to my friend's house for the company, not the food.  I will offer to bring the veggies and dip.  Hummus is my favorite (I make my own so I know what's in it) and I'll eat what ever protein is offered, hold the white bread, and other carbs.  As for dessert, I've found an awesome protein bar that you simply must try!  It's so filling and fulfilling.  You won't want traditional dessert ever again.  They are called Quest Bars!  Eat them slowly and enjoy the mouth feel, not to mention the many different flavors! 

Good luck!  But you won't need got this!