So, this first week has started with a thud, but i'm not discouraged.  The problem is, I haven't been paying attention to my food intake like I should be --and a lot of it had to do with my paycheck, so I'm positive that next week will be much, much better since i've already prepped a few of my meals for this week.

If you haven't gotten into food prepping, I totally suggest watching this video which will walk you through the process, as well as this one which will give you some inspiration for what those meals might looks like.  The rest of BakingMadGymAddict's videos are great too, so check her out on youtube.

I also bought a new notebook with the intent of logging all my points & stuff down in it.  I can't afford the WW meetings and web service any more, but I can still buy the materials from the internet (Yaaaaay INTERNETS and Ebay!).  

Hope you all are having a great week!


