From Wikipedia to throw in some ~*~science~*~,
"in general, increasing the amount of repetitions will focus on improving endurance, while strength gains are made by increasing the intensity of the exercise through decreasing leverage and working at the ends of range of motion"

Bodyweight exercises are awesome for those starting out since no equipment is necessary to get the most out of the workout. You can essentially do them anywhere you have the room for it so they're great for at home. While good for those starting out, also amazing for people with more experience because minor variations to the movement can make a huge impact. Bodyweight exercises can also improve flexibility and balance and if done correctly have a low risk of causing injury so the advantages are neverending.  

I don't know how many of you follow fitness chick after fitness chick on Instragram for some good ol' ~*~fitspiration~*~ like I do, but I found one named Kayla Itsines who developed her own workout program. The program is designed for beginners and runs for about 3 months as well. It's simple to follow and so I downloaded a torrent found a totaaallllly legal copy magically floating around online.

You can scroll down to the very bottom for the actual workouts. Not to say you shouldn't read over the theory if you would like to understand what it's all about.

Here's Kayla's Instagram to check out some before and after's 

It's evident a lot of people have had success with her program. I personally find before and after's super motivating. 

Let me know if this would help you -- I'm thinking to print some copies of just the workouts and leave in our break room if anyone wants to borrow them. If you're the type who would want a physical copy let me know. 

Any questions, comments -- send them my way!