Tuesday means Pull day. Pull exercises mostly hit the back and bicep muscles. The main lift yesterday was Pendlay Rows.

I set another PR on Pendlay Rows. I was afraid I'd have to deload on rows this week, but I crushed this workout instead. You know how sometimes you walk into the gym do that first rep, and even that first one seems to be a struggle? Well today was not that day. I did the whole routine and even added some light sumo deadlifts with pauses mid lift to get that extra core workout.

I'm going a little lighter on the calories to edge out a little more weight on the last few days of my Kickstarter Dietbet. I started that bet at 225lbs with a goal of 216lbs. I'm hovering around 217-218, so I just want to make sure I hit goal on sunday. The deeper caloric deficit didn't seem to effect me yesterday, however I do feel like i'm recovering a little slower today. No worries though, today is leg day so who cares if my back is a little sore.

Full Workout on Fitocracy
