Thursday's main lift was the Bench Press. This is a pushing exercise that works the chest and triceps. I came close to a personal record (PR) on bench press yesterday, but came 1 rep short. I may have been able to get it but my spotter bailed me out at 2/3rds of the way through the lift. No problem, still added 5lbs to the lift over last week. 

By the way, if you're trying to push yourself to failure on a set, it's usually a good idea to have a spotter to not only catch the weight but to give you that extra added encouragement. You'd be amazed at how many more reps you can push out when you're not worried about dropping the bar on your face. I usually ask a random person to spot me on my last set, and I have never been turned down. Many people are intimidated by others at the gym, especially in the weightroom. But I've found that most of the biggest, most intimidating looking people are more than happy to spot you and help you with any questions. As evident by their bodies, they love fitness, so don't be afraid to venture into the weightroom and get to know people.

Full workout on Fitocracy
