Boot Camp is kicking my butt!  (this is in reference to the 'boot camp' my kickstarter game is using for a challenge:

Well, it is the sprinting that is really the devil's time for me.

day 1: boot camp workout makes me feel like a total wreck.  Rather than the 5 sprints required I am almost able to finish one.  As described in the directions, I feel awful - like I'm going to die, so I will try for 2 sprints tomorrow or at least fully finish the first one.  Hey, I was only 5 seconds off by my reckoning.  (ETA: about an hour later I did one more sprint.  It wasn't AS hard - maybe because I knew what was coming, but I couldn't do more than one sprint.)  The rest of the exercise workout I was only able to do 10 of the asked for 15 reps, but I figure if I am going to stick with it then I am going to do what I can and not kill myself.

I hope I am not too sore tomorrow (ETA:I was sore, but not too sore).  My husband says, "Welcome to the world of hard exercise."  (Thanks a lot, sweetie!)  On the up side, the puppy thought the exercise time was the best thing in the world so at least one someone enjoyed herself.

day 2: I was going to try sprinting today, but did a 45 minute elliptical instead, and hey, I did get my heart rate up for a while...  So much for good intentions.

day 3: In the morning I had decided that I probably wasn't going to be a boot camp candidate any more.  The sprinting thing is a great idea, but it was raining, and it was hard and I need to go much more slowly and if I'm not going to keep up with something then it won't help me and I am really in a self pitying mode and... and... and... Then an energetic 3 year old and I decided to 'race' to the tree and back and I was able to get in 2 sprints (this was after we rolled down the hill a few times).  I can not tell you how excited that made me.  Yes, I am well below the recommended set of five sprints each 30 seconds with a rest time of one to two minutes in between each sprint but I seriously did not think I was going to be doing ANY. ...and if a three year old can do it (he didn't really but we did have fun!) then so can I.

Interestingly but not surprisingly I didn't do the exercises after the sprints.  Hey, I was at rehearsal, and I was being whiney.

day 5: My sprints were done on the elliptical and while they were difficult, they were nothing like the ones I ran outside.  I was able to get all five in and I felt like I'd worked hard, but I wasn't sick to my stomach or dying from heart palpitations or sucking down the water in order to survive.  All this means is that I am conditioning myself for real sprints and I know it.  I am good with that.  If I am going to get there, I will have to do it at my own pace.

I also did the exercises and I while I didn't do 15 reps, I did alright.  I am doing something productive and I am happy in my mediocrity.

to be continued... or not, really.