Today I woke up at 6am and got on the treadmill. I could tell within the first 5 minutes I wasn't going to be able to complete my workout. I was already hurting and I still had 4 more miles to go. There was just no way.


"Alright," I said to myself. "Clearly, we're not making it all the way today, but you can't give up on the first round. You at least have the first 15 minutes in you. Even on a bad day, you can do this."


So I did. I powered through and got through the first 15 minutes at a pretty good pace. But now was the time to slow down. My progam let's me catch my breath and walk for 60 seconds. I was proud that I finnished that first section after struggling. I knew I couldn't last much longer. Maybe I'll walk a couple extra minutes, but I saw the counter going down to where I would have to run again and thought... actually I feel pretty okay right now. Maybe I'll just start running now, so I can feel better about myself when I give up half way through. Okay.


So I start running. Crap this hurts! I'm mad this hurts so much everytime! I want to get better at this, not worse! Okay okay breathe. Just get to the half way point and then you can just be done for the day.

Once I reached that half way mark, I was so close to completing the current segment that I decided to just suck it up and go for it.

Just 5 more minutes! Push through you are so close to being able to walk! 3, 2, 1... WALK.

I was breathing heavey. I was gulpig down water. I couldn't even do a "fast walk." I was trudging along. Before I knew it, it was time to run. AGAIN. "But I can't my body screamed!" Not yet. I haven't recovered. I won't make it. Maybe I'll just walk most of it and run the last five minutes. But then a really awesome motivational Jam came on my playist. "Don't Quit" It said. When it looks like you're beat, you keep working toward your goals. THIS GAME IS NOT OVER. I was amped. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself. Tired of feeling scared that my body couldn't handel it. Before the next minute was up, I was back to running! I WAS NOT GOING TO QUIT ON MYSELF. I started slow and then gradually picked up speed. I got to the last minute mark and then gunned it!


That's how I completed my workout today. That's how I know I can do it again the next day.