Weight: 148.2


So on Monday, I was 145.7…Just .4lbs away from my goal weight within diet bet. Then what happened? The short answer is: I have absolutely no idea. I’ve been getting 10K steps in, logging my food and really doing my best not to take in more calories than I expend. I’ve been careful about making sure I have a calorie deficit every day--- and I have not taken in more than 100 carbs on any of these days…in fact, most days, it’s been below 60. I’ve even been trying to sit up straighter because I heard your body


Yesterday, I admit I had a tough day…When I got home I had half an avocado, ½ a lily’s chocolate bar…and then later, I had 5 peanut butter cups. But in the relative scheme of things, this actually isn’t a lot and I was still at 2K calories for the day…and I checked. My activity monitor says I burned a lot more than that. So what gives? The only thing I can think of is the usual suspects. Not enough Water, too much salt or not enough poop. Yeah, I went there.


I was happy at the end of last week because I was into the 146s and then on Monday it was BAM 145! I was ecstatic. But then, well, just like it happens…I was up to 147.1 the next day. I was slightly disheartened but knew that this is how my body works. So I just re-doubled my efforts for the next day. I thought I’d have lost a half a pound by today, but no. I gain 1.2 lbs in one day, which is not fat. Because that’s not possible. I’d have had to eaten 5000 calories….which means its water (or glycogen, more specifically). Lovely. Just lovely. Or its undigested food. Equally lovely.


Honestly, I personally hope its just a fluke and the scale was off on the heavy side the way its off on the light side some times. Maybe the 145 wasn’t a real number and that was the fluke. Then this would make a lot more sense. Sometimes, I feel like my body is screwing with me. Its just like Hahaha! You have an actual deadline to hit? Screw you! No! its such a jerk. Just Monday I was thinking about how nice it would be to be a winner of the diet bet. I had .4 lbs to lose. That was it!


I feel like the rug was pulled out from under me. Damn it. Anyway, there is nothing to do except just keep on going. I’m doing all of the right things. I just need to follow through with my steps.

Track my food, work out in the morning, get 10K steps in, sit up straight (burn 20% more calories!), take my meds every day, and for the next few days, drink til I float.


So nothing changes. Same plan as before. So much for this being easy.