I've shed two stone (28 pounds) so far but I've yet to get into a healthy bmi range and that is where I want to be. I had spent my entire teenage years feeling uncomfortable and the extra weight was not helping my scoliosis before and after surgery.

My diet consisted of countless bottles of coke, slices of white bread, sweets, processed foods on a daily basis and I was still wondering why I was bigger than everyone else. I had no idea of what was healthy and what wasnt. I remember for one week when I was 13, I decided I would stick to a diet of white bread and cuppa soup....because I thought these were healthy.....yeah not my finest hour.

It wasnt until I turned 17 that I actually started learning about nutrition via Slimming World and I still use those principals now: Eat plenty of fruit and veg, whole foods in general and try to make healthy meals from scratch. I yo-yoed with this for the next 2 years, losing a stone and putting back on, again and again and attempting new fad diets and half assed fitness attempts.

In the Winter of 2014, I moved away from home and had to walk 2 hours up and down every day to college. I also had no extra cash for snacks and treats so the weight began to melt away without me realising it. I started trying out blogilates videos and 30 day shred dvd and finally managed to get out of the obese catergory to slighly overweight.

Now I want to lose another 20 pounds and to tone up because I never want to feel sluggish or feel that back pain ever again.

  I do mean it when I say that looks really are irrelevant and your health is truly your wealth. If you feel great, healthy and happy, thats what really is valuable. Its taken a long time for me to realise this.

I hope everyone is doing great and to keep going because we are all fabulous and deserve to feel like it. :)

All the best,
