Hey everyone, I hope you are doing wonderful with you health/fitness challenges :)

This topic is something that has been bugging me for ages: Which 'diet' is best for weight loss?

I have been wondering about this because everytime I look up weight loss diet plans, I always get a different opinion on what foods are considered healthy and which are not.

For example, some say to eat as many carbs as you want, while others encourage more protein and restricted carbs. It's confusing.

The purpose of this post is to encourage people to discuss what types of food work for them in their weight loss/ fitness/ health challenges and which should be avoided.

The one thing that I know helped me greatly was cutting out milk and replacing it with almond, soy, oatmeal and rice alternatives.

Thank you for reading and feel free to let me know what foods aid you guys in your weight loss :)

Lots of Love,
