Weight has been my nemesis for years.  An unlikely  new friend motivated and inspired me to get back to business before I was completely out of control.  It wasn't what she said, it was how she modeled her success and was clearly on the journey of improving her life.  I met her on a vacation to Mexico and we  later connected on Facebook.  It needed to simmer with me for several months, but in January, I was ready to embark on a healthier journey for myself.


Adding exercise back in and eating a greatly modified diet (no starches, limited dairy, limited sugar) and regulated calorie intake was the plan.  As I do with most things, I went at it with a vengeance and found success quickly.  Some months have been more faithful than others, but I am starting Diet Bet after losing 34 pounds since January.  I am about 15 or so pounds from my goal weight...I'm a size 10-12 now and would like to be a predictable size 8.  I maintained my tenaciousness up to a month ago and then I have been wavering a bit, but still making myself get on the scale every day.  I went to the Dr. this morning and I was happy that I had lost another pound (which was great considering my less than good choices). 


So, here I am getting pretty darn close to my goal and I'm ready.  I've already become so much active and besides simply feeling better, I feel better about myself.  Mirrors are far less my enemy and shopping for new clothes has become fun again.  Thanks Kelly Ann for being the right person at the right time in my life.


Let's rock and roll :)