Well, I have never been a gambler... I actually hate the thought of losing my hard-earned money; that being said, I have never been asked to bet on me!  Betting on me means that I know what I am betting on and I think that it is a safe bet.  I mean I am hardworking, committed, passionate and overweight... that sounds like a perfect combination for this DietBet deal!


Since I don't plan on losing my money I need a plan and here it is:


- Drink 10 glasses of water a day (min)

- Limit carbs but do not cut them out entirely 

- Limit dairy 

- Follow the 21 day Fix diet because my body responds well to it

- Move my ass every damn day... rain, shine, windy, cold... in every condition, no exceptions and no excuses

- Add some weights because my body also likes that :)  Going to add Body Beast to the lineup

- Get to bed early so that I can get up early and get my food prep in


So, that is the plan ... will I see it through, you can BET on it ... I DID :)


Day 2 and - 1.2 pounds... I got this!



aka The Gaspegirl