Today was a rough day, it started out with many positives, and ended with me completly throwing out my meal planning...being triggered by amazing dessert options at a restaurant..and overeating.  I've evaluated how I could do things differently in the future and I've realized how full and grose i feel now. So in the future I can remember this feeling and make a better choice.

But I refuse to allow myself to get bent out of shape about it and get off track.  I have to put this all behind me and think about right now and the future.  I am prepared for tomorrow and I will stay on track.  This was just a bump in the road and the next time a temptation is staring at me in the face I'm going to ask myself the following:

  1. How is my calorie count for the day?
  2. Have I exercised today?
  3. Is that temptation worth it?
  4. Are those calories more important than a healthy body?
  5. Do you remember how you felt the last time you had that? or overate?

I don't want to always say no to temptations but I want to have better control of myself when I'm out at dinner with friends and having a good time.  I have to remember that I am on a mission for a healthy lifestyle and its ok to say no and not order what others are ordering.

Tomorrow is a new day and I'm ready to get back on track.