Posted this on the activity board earlier, but didn't get any responses; I know how fast everyone's posts fly by so thought it might be more appropriate to write a blog post.  Has anyone else been as depressed as I am over Robin Williams suicide?  More to the point, has anyone else been eating over it like I have??  I'm sure in my case the fact that I lost one of my best friends to suicide 17 years ago (who was also one of those class-clown types that was secretly hiding severe depression), and this is bringing it all back for me.  I heard Robin was an avid runner, so I'm still running (trying to do it 'in his honor'), but half-heartedly at best, and I'm eating way more than I should (comfort foods, of course) and just can't seem to find the motivation to get back on track.  I really needed to put this out there firstly to get it off my chest, and secondly in the hopes that someone else is going through something similar and can relate.  Oddly enough, just typing about it has made me feel better though (putting the thoughts into words - and not food!), and I just reminded myself how Jeff (my friend that committed suicide) had been one of my biggest champions when I went on a diet years ago and lost 25 lbs., so I said to myself 'Would Jeff (or Robin?) want you to blow all this hard work for them?  Heck no - get back out there and do what you gotta do!'  Planning a short run (possibly walk due to a pulled thigh muscle - my own stupid fault for not warming up) and then a workout afterwards - hope you'll join me and thanks for reading! :)