I can hardly believe that i have walked around 9 miles a day for over a week!

I can hardly believe that I have walked everyday for more than 28 days in a row!

I can hardly believe that I went from struggling to hitting 10,000 steps a day to thinking that 18,000 steps a day is easy!

I can hardly believe it's me doing this! --- but it is!!!! and WOW!!! talk about the amazing power of consistancy!  Maybe I should have entited this blogpost CONSISTANCY because that is what it takes.  That and a plan to hit more steps, a higher number, the next day!

My history and my love/hate relationship with my fitbit goes something like this: My husband David, was in a group walking challenge at work.  His company supplied everyone with pedometers and a challenge! 500,000 steps each quarter got them a prize.  I wanted a fitbit. He was low on steps. He bought me a fitbit because you know... gotta keep mama happy. ;-) And we walked. We walked after work daily for awhile, till is quarter was over and then... we didn't.

Now I wore my fitbit everyday. I just didn't walk past the computer everyday. I found that if I sat down at the computer first thing in the morning, that day I might get 2500 steps. Some days, I didn't even get that many.  There were days, however, that I would try for more steps and maybe hit 10,000 steps or more, but man did my feet and legs hurt! So no walking for a few days.

That was over a year ago.  What changed?  Dietbet helped a little. With Diet and increased movement, I have lost over 40 pounds.  But what really did it for me was Stepbet! A trial game by the same company as Dietbet.  Using the same principal, you give them a small amount of money to hold for you, and if you hit your weekly goal, it's still your money, if not, it's thier money! OUCH! I like to win!

So each day I walked.  I also found out what worked best for me.  I found that I like getting in 4000 steps first thing in the morning. Now week one I did not get 4000 steps first thing in the morning. MAYBE 2000 steps.  I also found out, that hubs and I like that together time as the sun sets. He will even get off the computer without being asked and find ME and ask ME to walk with him! woo hoo!!! I like that!

Gradually, we have built up our steps. Now I am very lucky (and don't think I am not uber grateful! I am very grateful) I do not have to work outside the home! YEAH! So I get more steps that hubs on a day to day basis.  But he does ok on soccer nights! and he routinely hits 12,000 steps a day during the week with 18,000-20,000 each Saturday and Sunday.

I also found out that I lose an ounce or two each day, that I think is just the daily walking! YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! The scale does move! It's not broken!!! It works!!! I need to add in some jumping jacks and lunges. I am even thinking of buying/downloading the phone app game: Zombies, Run! 5k Training. (suppose to be a couch to 5k game and I think sounds like fun)

I have a goal.... let's see if I can do it... to complete at least one.. DIVAS 5k --- http://www.runlikeadiva.com/  also sounds like fun! and you get a tutu and tiara (not that I have ever been a girly girl, but I do encourage hubs to treat me like a queen!)

So there you have it.... start walking - add steps daily - and do it consistantly.

I have a game: https://www.dietbet.com/games/68494/activity

also, Valerie has a game: https://www.dietbet.com/games/68571/activity