I am guilty of starting 'for real this time' many times. It seemed every time I got on the scale and saw how heavy I was getting I would say, "This is it. I will not, can not, let myself get any bigger." But it was never true. All through High School I thought I was fat. I weighed 160 when I graduated and seeing pictures now I think, "man I was so skinny". When I hit 190 I remember the infamous words of "this is it" and "I'm going to do something about this". Then I lost my job, and almost simultaneously met my now fiance. He thought I was beautiful. I stopped being concerned about the scale.

     I guess I chose not to notice my clothes getting tighter. I got on the scale 1 year ago after joining friends on Facebook to lose weight. It was a challenge and fun. I weighed in at 240. I weighed well over 200 pounds! How did this happen. I joined the challenge and I won, losing 20 lbs in 8 weeks. It didn't last.

     In March of this year I finally got on the scale again. What I saw brought me to tears. 270 Pounds. In just 3 years I had gained 80 lbs. I finally noticed all the little things, increased difficulty shaving my legs, 2xl relax fit shirts were fitted on me. Something clicked and I remember specifically not saying, "This is it, for real this time", because I had said that before and still got to where I am. I said, "If I don't start today, I may not be here tomorrow." I have lost and gained a few lbs since march but never going over 270. The final straw broke when I pushed my wedding back a whole year from the original plan. Because I didn't want our special day thwarted by my hatred of my body. I haven't allowed any pictures to be take of me in about 2 years. 

    It clicked. Now, I live out of a hotel for work. It's not easy to eat healthy all the time, but if you make the RIGHT choices, it doesn't have to be impossible. I bought myself a Nutribullet that works great for a breakfast juice. I also bought myself a fitbit and T25 (which I love now, but hated at first). These tools have helped me stay committed to not getting bigger and to lose weight from being healthy. Throw Dietbet in the mix with all of you amazing people for support and you have a recipe for success. I know we can all do this. Sometimes it just takes the right trigger to put you on the path you thought you were on already, and it takes committment everyday to stay on it.