DAY 104: Off track(ing)

Dianna C.

07/08/2015 12:09PM
Good for you, and I love that little I-wonder voice of yours! I used to track all the time, and like you said, sometimes it is just a nuisance. Overall, it is a good and useful tool, but only one of the many tools we have it our toolbox! I generally choose not to track much anymore. And, I'm still doing alright, and still very much in this thing. From time to time I track to double check myself, or just to be more accountable, but overall, my ego is bigger than my appetite, and I maintain victory over my food. Sometimes the cookies win out, but like you, it is a far cry from where I used to be.This past week was a pre-planned splurge day, complete with some yummy drinks, lots of stuff on the grill, and more! But, even with the planned splurge, and the added alcohol-bad-choice influence, I still ate my burger on lettuce, rather than a bun. It's all about balance, and figuring out how to live while we're on this "journey!" Congrats, as I think you're really getting there : )

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