Doing better this week for avoiding snacking and desserts after work.  While at work, I sustituted some snacks for others.  I find that half a cup of pistachio nuts in the shells keeps me busy longer and for less than half the calories of a bag of candy from the vending machines.  (Not to mention a package of those little donuts!)  I used to really enjoy Dr Pepper the most while returning to work after lunch break.  I started to think maybe I wanted the sweetness or fizzyness to clear out or finish up the salty or fatty or just heavier flavors of a meal.  One time I had some Mentos in my purse and slowly ate about 3 of those which satisfied that urge.  So now I have a few mints, Mentos or Necco Wafers after lunch and don't miss that Dr Pepper!  Hope this keeps up and doesn't get too boring. 
Still have work to do for exercise.  Namely getting up earlier in order to do it.  Must avoid internet after work!