I'm not going to lie here, folks. The last two weeks have stunk! Really sucked eggs. I'm so not the negative Nelly type, but this post may come off as a little whiney. I'll get over it in a day or two when I finally feel better. I'm sure of it.

Found out I have to have surgery, which I've already posted about. It didn't really bother me. But then I had my pre-op last week and my blood pressure was WAY high. Like, why aren't you on meds high. Apparently the meds I HAD been on can cause elevated blood pressure. But honestly, I thought someone who was walking 4-6 miles 3-4 days per week wouldn't have to deal with high blood pressure. I don't even LIKE salt, so that isn't it. I was drinking like a gallon of water a day. Eating my fruits and vegetables like it's my job (because it kind of is).

So, they told me to monitor it for a few days and if it wasn't lower by Friday, to get blood pressure medicine so they would feel better about doing surgery. Went and got blood pressure meds. Woke up that night literally freezing. Like my teeth were chattering. Temp of 102.4. Took some Tylenol and went back to bed.

Fought the fever all weekend long. Thanks to having surgery scheduled, I couldn't do the cool trick of alternating ibuprofen or an NSAID with my Tylenol. Then it finally crept up to 104.1 AFTER taking a shower to try and bring it down. That combined with a wicked high blood pressure, and I was on my way to the ER.

Thanks to a lovely kidney infection, my surgery has been postponed until Friday. I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I want to throw up. At least I feel like I need to. I've had my worst week of exercise (nonexercise) since February and I've STILL managed to achieve my weigh in goals for my two transformers this week.

Right now and for the forseeable future, I'm merely existing. I'm not a good sick person. I don't like it. I can't do all the things I want to do and I HATE that it means my husband has to take on more responsibility when I'm already treated like a queen.