It's Friday! Why not push it to the max?

Today, I mied walking and running to the gym. 1.55 miles in 24:13. Once at the gym, I did my first real cycle class. And it was intense! My quads! My butt! I sweat like crazy too. We mixed in some ab work afterwards - the trainer had some new moves with a big ball, that I've never done before. They were hard! 

There was only one way to get home, so I huffed it back the 1.5 miles, walking only this time. No injuries!! It took me 27:45 to walk back home. I attribute that to being wore out!

I'm excited to weigh myself after this busy morning. Just to see where I unofficially stand.

Once I shower up, I am slamming some raspberries and yogurt! And WATER!!!!
Tonight for dinner are strip steaks and baked potatoes. Watermelon too!

Keep it strong this weekend everyone. We're getting there one day at a time! =)
