Still in this - working hard to get results.

Today, I was supposed to meet with a trainer but he had to reschedule for this Saturday morning.
I really can't wait to get a professional opinion of what I need to adjust to start really losing the LBs. 

So, I went to the gym and did some speed walking on a treadmill. I've been told speed walking will give me the same results as running but will be less damaging on my body. I've been told by a chiropractor and massage therapist to avoid running because of issues with my lower back and hips. Despite advice, I did my own thing and ran. But turning 29 and hearing this piece of advice again -- maybe it is time to nix the running. I was told I would likely be a candidate for a hip replacement when I'm older!! So... you know. 

After speed walking, I did bike for a bit. Came home after the gym and did a T25 video. 

On days when I work out and don't rehydrate or eat much, that's when I see the greatest change in the scale. It's sort of depressing -- I think to myself, so I have to not eat or drink to lose weight??? I know it's mostly water weight...and losing fat takes time, but geezzee. 

I am off to GNC to replenish my protein powder/meal supplement powder for the beginning of the school year. I'm also going to try to eliminate carbs from my diet to see if that speeds up the weight loss.

Hope every one else is having success on their journey. There are always ups and downs -- but with each other's help and encouragement we can all reach our goals.