I can't count how many times in the last two days I've been tempted to stop at a fast food place on the way home, or eat something I shouldn't, and thought, "No way! I don't want to lose my money!" :)

Last night, I had to make dinner for my hubby and the boys (21 and 24) which was a sausage, hashbrown, and bell pepper casserole with cheese from Taste of Home. We all love this dish.

I was Sooo hungry while cooking and knew they wouldn't be eating till 7. So I snacked on some watermelon to stave off hunger and then made myself sauteed tilapia (using tea to blacken as suggested by you guys), asparagus, a healthy soup I made, and a pear.

I was so stuffed after eating all of that I was worried I'd gain weight the next morning--but No! Happily I had lost another pound! I'm sure it's water weight but still--what a blessing!

The motivation of keeping my money has helped like nothing else has helped in the last 10 years.

PS. Thanks to those who have commented to me. As a new member, it was really great to get a 'hello'. :)

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