Certainly didn't think things through when signing up for DietBet, as the month of August was filled with landmines poised to throw me off-track.  I've survived several BBQ's/parties, a wedding, and 3 Fantasy Football drafts (more tempting than you'd think!).  Saved the best for last, a bachelor party in Atlantic City beginning tonight and ending on Sunday, the same day as my first ever final weigh-in on DietBet.  Never did I ever think I would be taking gym clothes to Atlantic City, but it looks like that is going to be the case.  Only 2-lbs. away from my Sunday weigh-in, so I'm confident I can hit that goal.  A bit more worried about the 5.5-lbs. I need to lose by Tuesday for a seperate DietBet contest, but, I'm a large guy so it is definitely attainable.  Best of luck to myself on an alcohol-free bachelor party weekend in AC.  Here goes nothing!