A little vent (well, it may be a big one)..
I'm such an emotional eater and this weekend has been a doozy, especially tied in with the fair food.  I didn't do well.  I did downright horrible. I didn't even drink my water and I'm bloated like crazy. Then I had some stressful things come about and all I could think of was to eat.  It's a vicious cycle and I can see that.  What happens though, is that I can't see it in the heat of the moment. 

I get home from work at 2 am. I need to go to bed as soon as I can because I have to be up with the kids at 7.  When I get home is the time I eat the most. I don't know what I can replace this habit with. I don't want to get on the treadmill for my frustrations because then I'll be up even longer.  I feel I'm in a catch-22 but I may just be making excuses and am not able to see the bigger picture. 

THEN, I feel bad about myself for not being in control and guess what? I eat some more to feel better which makes me feel worse.

I know this post is all over the place.  I'm just writing to vent.