Oh yes, I watch Extreme Weight Loss and Biggest Looser. I root for all the contestants and I pick up a few tips here and there that have helped me a lot.

  • Encourage - don't discourage - no matter what.
  • Keep moving - no matter what.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • If you fall - get back up.
  • Food is fuel - you can't run on empty and sugar messes up the tank.

I was watching a recorded show of Extreme Weight Loss and the lady was crying about only loosing 5 lbs in 3 months and they showed her a taped message that she had made at the beginning of her journey. Oh, the light bulbs were flashing in my head. I should make a video of me talking to me at the beginning of each challenge and play it whenever things get tough!

So, that's my current task.

  • I want to tell myself that I'm worth it. My children and grandchildren think so, why shouldn't I?
  • The memory is slipping so I might not remember how much I want this when I've struggled for a while.
  • Who better to encourage me than me?

I'm going to begin by telling me how miserable carrying all this extra weight is and how much it would mean to me to be free of it. Next I'm going to tell myself all the reasons that I'm worth the effort to accomplish this goal. Finally, I going to give myself the best pep talk I can think of to get myself back on track.

This will be my third challenge. Two successes to my credit prior to this one. I only wish I had thought of this sooner.

Have to go comb my hair so I look presentable to me!