I'm a plan-ny kind of person, especially with food. But follow-through...well, not so much. My lack of follow-through is the reason I am where I am. Obese, food addict, binge eater, repeat DietBetter, broke (well, not really, but more broke than I would be if I followed through!)

For example on my lack of follow-through...On Saturday I planned to have spaghetti squash spaghetti with homemade spagetti sauce. My husband ate the sauce (I don't understand how this is possible as there was no meat and he's a meatarian). So, instead of having spaghetti squash, I ate the 'real' thing slathered in cheese.

Then we were going to be 'out' fo supper. I planned to get a Subway wrap. I would only eat half, and also chow down on some salad. Not only did I eat the whole sub, I also got two cookies. And then 'tasted' some of the fudge my husband bought.

Sunday I planned to be back on track. I feel a little less bad about this, as a family member was hospitalized and that kind of changed my plans.

Yesterday I planned to be back on track. Packed healthy snacks and everything. Made a shopping pitstop and bought chocolate. Ate chocolate. Then threw out the rest (a huge victory!) Vowed to do better. Then unexpected dinner plans came up. I did well with choosing salad...but everyone ordered dessert so I got a brownie. It wasn't even worth it!

At this point, I'm on an inefficient follow-through roll and it's snowballing out of control. Today was a migraine-y day, and that always messes things up.

The plan for tomorrow? Healthy veggie and protein packed smoothie. Not sure about lunch or supper. Exercise plans? Not sure.