repost from my blog at

It's kind of late Wednesday night but, past midnight so technically this is a Thursday weigh-in.  It's kind of a fluke I weigh the same as last week but all weigh-ins this week have been in the mid to lower 230's so this is a pretty representative weight and this also moves my September average down to 234 and I'm AOK with that :)

2015 Wallpaper 02 - 2015

It's almost 2:30 a.m. and I'm hoping I can get at least 3 hours of sleep before I have to get moving tomorrow.  I'll be heading to the airport around 7 a.m. then traveling to Washington DC for the first time in my life and I'm pretty excited about that so, sleep deprived or not I'll definitely be wide awake to see the sights :)

I've been pondering some realistic and shorter term goals.  While I don't have anything left to hit for this year (officially) ...any, by officially I mean there are no running goals left that were set at the beginning of the year that remain to be achieved.

However ... my biggest priority is to maintain my running streak and my 2nd biggest goal would be to keep up with a minimum of 100 miles per month of running.  The other "goal" i have ... I would like to throw in the trash - that's the one about adding 10 miles per month for the rest of the year.  I just shake my head everytime I think about it.  I don't know - I'll be heading back to the Ozarks at the beginning of next month so I could get a really good jump on my miles with that extra time but that also means I have to somehow manage 126.8 miles for this month ...idk ....

I did get some unexpected news about the upcoming Chicago half marathon in that as a volunteer - Back of the Packer - we may not be getting a medal.  I do appreciate the kindness of other members letting me stay at their home and a free race  which really helps with the expenses but it's still a good 9 hours of driving and probably $70 or so in gas alone and I'm not sure if it's even going to count as a race - i need more information.

...hmmm, almost 6 a.m. now - guess I should pack ;)