I finally have the belief in myself that I can do this and it has made a huge impact!!! I just finished my first DietBet challenge and not only did I lose 8.8 pounds but more importantly my stomach is flat!! I can't believe it It's amaaaazzzing muffin top GONE!!!! There is a lot to be said about traditional excercises... pushups, sit ups, ect. And resistance training is huge you don't even have to do a lot. I train hard but for only 11 minutes a day and the reward is amazing. The other day I was driving my car and I rubbed my tricep because it was sore from working out and at first I was like "What is this lump, what?! Is this.. could it be...  Oh no is it cancer?" And about two seconds later I burst out laughing, yes by myself in the car because I'm crazy like that, and I was like WOW this is muscle- hard muscle. Just couldnt believe it. If my body can change this much at such a high weight I can't wait to see what's ahead once I shed this fat. Well... I'm off to the grocery, I woke up craving basil and spinach----- If you knew me you would know how much I have changed the old me would be saying "Where's my pancakes!"

Have a great day, motivated and most importantly love yourself as you are right now today and enjoy the journey!!!!!


