Normally, I've washed out of the Transformer dietbets by now.  This is my 3rd attempt.  We are currently in Round 3, and today was weigh-in day. 

I did NOT make my goal.  I made 0% progress toward this month's goal.  And weirdly, I'm totally okay with that.  Here's why.

This last month, school started back (I'm a professor).  I got blindsided by added duties and was extremely stressed out.  I have lunch in the cafeteria where I don't get calorie info and have to guesstimate portion sizes, plus dessert is really hard to ignore.  Snacks are widely available and not very healthy.  Several catered functions at the beginning of the term (with mandatory attendance) didn't help. 

Despite that, I gained 0 lbs.  In fact, I posted my lowest DietBet weight to date.  It was only 0.3 lbs lower than last month's requirement, but I'm really gratified that I didn't backslide like I normally do.

Furthermore, I've been training for a 5k.  Last week, I jogged for 20 minutes straight.  I've done that only once before in my whole entire 37 year life!  My body is smaller and my body fat percentage is dropping, even if my weight isn't changing much right now.

So I'm proud of myself for at least maintaining through some very difficult weeks.